Prof. Natalia Pabón-Mora

My main research interests are: Plant Evo-devo, the genetic networks controlling flower and fruit development and the comparative morpho-anatomy of flowers and fruits. Keen to study the unique features of the neotropical flora I established the first Plant Evo Devo lab in Colombia right after my doctoral studies at the City University of New York and the New York Botanical Garden joint program.
Principal investigator

Prof. Favio González
My main research areas are focussed on the systematics, morphology and development in several plant neotropical families of the orders Piperales, Chloranthales, Winterales, Papaverales, Gunnerales, Fabales and Campanulales, as well as in members of the parasitic Apodanthaceae (Cucurbitales) and various New World Santalales. Most of my research is related to the evolution of leaf, inflorescence and floral traits. ​
Principal investigator

Valentina Botero Castaño
M.S. student

I am interested in comparative flower and fruit anatomy as well as the genetic basis for flower to fruit transformations in rare angiosperms. For my undergraduate thesis I analyzed the flower to fruit transformation of large and small flowered hemiparasitic Loranthaceae. Most angiosperms have bitegmic ovules, and some groups can reduce the integument number, but there is nothing comparable to the ovular reduction occurring in Santalales lacking all remanants of true integumented ovules and seeds. As morphological reduction processes are usually accompanied by underlying genetic changes that allow only some minimal characteristics needed for survival to be retained, while other less essential ones are eliminated the genetic mechanisms underlying such extreme modifications merits a deeper investigation. For my masters dissertation I am looking forward to assess if ovule reduction in the Loranthaceae has a genetic basis related say for instance to gene loss in those transcription factors linked to integument and nucellus development.
Andrea Ramírez Ramírez
M.S. student
Floral transition is a complex process with multiple genetic pathways that respond to external and internal stimuli that are integrated by various transcription factors. For this, mechanisms that census and detect environmental signals are required. The reproductive transition begins in the leaves where systemic signals such as AGL24 are generated that move towards the shoot apical meristem (SAM) where SOC1, another flowering promoter, is activated and control the transition to the inflorescence meristem (IM), which is negatively regulated by SVP. However, reproductive transition processes have not been studied in holoparasitic plants, highly modified plants, with a reduced vegetative phase (lacking leaves, stems and roots) but with abundant and typical flowering. My project seeks to understand the role of the AGL24, SOC1, and SVP genes in the genetic control of flowering in Pilostyles boyacensis and Apodanthes caseariae, members of the Apodanthaceae family with distribution in Colombia. Both species can serve as a reference to study the underlying genetic bases in the floral transition in the absence of an exposed vegetative phase that allows receiving the signals to start the before mentioned process.
Estefanía Elejalde-Baena
M.S. student

Andrés Hernández Ortega
M.S. student
My primary interests are in the systematics and evolution of angiosperms, especially species with diverse flower morphologies. During my undergraduate studies, I gained experience in floristic and taxonomic research in the tropical forests of the Orinoquia and Colombian Amazon. In my graduate studies, I am exploring the diversification of the genus Aristolochia L. in dry ecosystems of the Neotropics, focusing on the Caribbean basin and dry areas of the Orinoquia. To understand the diversity of species in these ecosystems, I will employ molecular phylogenetics to study some leaf development traits in Aristolochia species, especially those with unclear classifications.

Santiago Pérez Ospina
Undergraduate student
I am working on the genetic mechanisms that can be used for convergent evolution in fleshy fruits in Cestrum (Solanaceae) independently evolving berries from all Solanoideae. I am interested in the function of FUL-like genes upstream in the fruit genetic network in Cestrum nocturnum. I am currently optimizing the growth and flowering of these plants without any pests. Next I will be trying Virus Induced Gene Silencing (VIGS) in Cestrum. Wish me luck!

Luis Fernando Canchila
Undergraduate student
The main objective of my research is to identify the MADS-box genes of classes A, B, C and E in the floral transcriptome of Dalea cuatrecasasii, and analyze their evolution including the homologues of other legume species, particularly the model species present. in this lineage, like beans, peas and lentils. This approach will provide a more complete understanding of the functional evolution of these genes in the context of flower formation in D. cuatrecasasii and other legumes. In addition, the specific exploration in Dalea cuatrecasasii will allow us to identify the affinity of the MADS-box genes in a holoparasitism system with Pilostyles boyacensis. Phylogenetic assignment will allow us to assign the identity of genes that belong to the host plant and are used exclusively by it, as well as genes that are potentially shared in the system with the parasitic plant.

Laura Puerta
Undergraduate student
I am interested in assessing the evolution of genes that can repress anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation in Aristolochia flowers. For my undergraduate dissertation I have been cloning R2R3 MYB genes from subgroup 4 which are suppposed to function as major repressors for anthocyanin synthesis. In this case I am using all available Aristolochiaceae transcriptomes, as well as Aristolochia fimbriata living collections. So far my results indicate that MYB4-like genes may downregulate anthocyanin accumulation in the sepaloid perianth of Aristolochia. ​ Note: Laura is a student tutored by Jorge Mercado in Universidad de Sucre.

Joan Díaz Alzate
Undergraduate student
My research focuses on the identification, evolutionary and spatiotemporal analysis of genes associated with the formation of the fused floral structure gynostemum present in the plant families Aristolochiaceae and Orchidaceae. Through bioinformatic and phylogenetic analyses of candidate genes and using the existing transcriptomes of these families, I aim to understand the evolutionary history and spatiotemporal expression in the development of genes presumably involved in floral delimitation in this complex fused structure.