Alzate JF., González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2024. Back together: Over 1000 single-copy nuclear loci and
reproductive features support the holoendoparasitic Apodanthaceae as sister to the Rafflesiaceae in the
order Malpighiales. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 201: 108217.
Brown F.D., Ishengoma E., Mayer G., Pabón-Mora N., Santos M.E., Sears K.E., Sena Oliveira I. 2024.
Uncovering developmental diversity in the field. Development 151 (20): dev203084.
Pabón-Mora N., González G. 2024. The gynostemium: more than the sum of its parts with emerging
complexities for the flower. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 81: 102609.
Freitas, J., E. J. de Lírio, F. González, A. Vitor Suzuki and A. Alves-Araújo. Hiding in the Atlantic Forest: Leaf geometric morphometrics redefines endangered Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) sibling species and allows conservation strategies. Acta Botanica Brasilica 38: e20230143.
González, F. N. Pabón-Mora & Christian A. Zanotti. Typifying extremes: Designation of types for the minute Gunnera lobata and G. magellanica and the giant G. tinctoria (Gunneraceae). Darwiniana. In press.
The RanOmics Group. 2023. Title: A cornucopia of diversity - Ranunculales as a model lineage. Journal of Experimental Botany. In Press.
González F. 2023. Taxonomic revision of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae-Lobelioideae) in Colombia. Phytotaxa 615: 1-116.
Madrigal Y., Alzate J.F., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. Evolution of flowering integrators in Orchidaceae. Plant Reproduction. In Press.
Martínez-Salazar S., Kramer E., González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. Spatio-temporal expression of candidate genes for nectar spur development in Tropaeolum (Tropaeolaceae: Brassicales). Annals of Botany. In Press.
Pabón-Mora, N., Suarez Baron H., Madrigal Y., Alzate JF, Gonzalez F. 2023. Expression and functional studies of leaf, floral and fruit developmental genes in non-model species. In: Flower Development: Methods and Protocols. Eds. Jose Luis Riechmann & Cristina Ferrándiz. Electronic ISSN. 1940-6029.
Suárez-Baron H., Alzate JF., Ambrose B.A., Pelaz S., González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. Comparative transcriptomic analyses reveal key factors controlling floral trichome development in Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae). Journal of Experimental Botany. 74: 6588-6607.
González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. The Remarkable Diversity of Parasitic Flowering Plants in Colombia. Botanical Review. 89: 331-385.
González F., Valenzuela L., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. Aristolochia brachylimba (Aristolochiaceae; Piperales), a new species from the Peruvian Amazonia with an unusually short perianth limb. Darwininana 11: 347-356.
González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2023. Aristolochia stevenchurchilli, a new pseudostipule-bearing Aristolochiaceae (Piperales) from Bolivia, with a key to identify the species of the “pseudostipulosae” group in the country. Darwiniana 11: 265- 271.
Rodríguez-Pelayo C., Ambrose BA., Vasco A., Alzate JF., Pabón-Mora N. Uncovering ancestral roles of flowering regulators before flowers: evidence from evolution and expression of PEBP genes in lycophytes and ferns. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 183: 251-267.
Piñeros LP., Suarez-Barón H., Pabón-Mora N., González F. 2022. Reinstatement of the genus Psorodendron and related systematic novelties as revealed from phylogenetic analyses of the tribe Amorpheae (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae). Caldasia. Accepted.
Rodríguez-Pelayo C., Ambrose BA., Vasco A., Alzate JF., Pabón-Mora N. Evolution and expression of LEAFY genes in ferns and lycophytes. 2022. EvoDevo 13: 2.
​Freitas, J., E. J. De Lirio, Q. dos Santos-Moraes, V. Santos Miranda, R. Nichio-Amaral, F. González & A. Alves-Araújo. New records of Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) from Brazil: The importance of citizen science as a tool to study geographic distribution, conservation and insect-plant interactions. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 93: e934971.
Ramírez-Ramírez J.A., Madrigal Y., Alzate JF., Pabón-Mora N. Evolution and expression of the MADS-box flowering transition genes AGAMOUS-like 24/SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE with emphasis in selected Neotropical orchids. 2021.Cells and Development. 203755.
Mower J.P., Hanley L., Wolff K., Pabón-Mora N., González F. 2021. Complete Mitogenomes of Two Aragoa Species and Phylogeny of Plantagineae (Plantaginaceae, Lamiales) Using Mitochondrial Genes and the Nuclear Ribosomal RNA Repeat. Plants 10: 2673.
Salazar-Duque H., Alzate JF., Urrea AI., Ferrandiz C., Pabón-Mora N. Comparative anatomy and genetic bases of fruit development in Selected Rubiaceae (Gentianales). American Journal of Botany 108: 1838-1860.
Martínez-Salazar S., González F., Alzate JF., Pabón-Mora N. Molecular framework underlying floral bilateral symmetry and nectar spur development in Tropaeolum (Tropaeolaceae), an atypical member of the Brassicales. American Journal of Botany 108: 1315-1330.
González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2021. Novedades florísticas para el Santuario de Fauna y Flora de Iguaque y sus zonas de influencia como única área protegida de la provincia de Ricaurte (Boyacá, Colombia). Caldasia. 44: 260-273.
González F., Suaza-Gaviria V., Pabón-Mora N. Floral development and morphology of the mistletoe Antidaphne viscoidea: a case of extreme flower reduction in the Sandalwood family (Santalaceae). Australian Journal of Botany 69: 152-161.
Muñoz-Gómez S.*, Suárez- Baron H. *, Alzate JF., González F., Pabón-Mora N*. 2021. Evolution of the subgroup 6 R2R3-MYB genes and their contribution to floral color in the perianth-bearing Piperales. Frontiers in Plant Science 12: 633227* Equal contribution to the manuscript.
Pabón-Mora N. 2021. My favourite flowering image: two in one - a holoparasite growing inside a shrubby legume. Featured Image. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72: 2818-2821
Suárez-Baron H., Alzate J.F., González F., Pelaz S., Ambrose B.A., Pabón-Mora N. 2021. Gene expression underlying floral epidermal specialization in Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae). Annals of Botany. 127: 749-764.
Zumajo-Cardona C., Pabón-Mora N., Ambrose BA. The evolution of euAPETALA2 genes in vascular plants: from plesiomorphic roles in sporangia to acquired functions in ovules and fruits. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 38: 2319-2336.
Madrigal Y., Ospina-Zapata D., Ramírez-Ramírez A., Alzate J.F., Pabón-Mora N. 2020. Asessing the flowering genetic regulatory network in neotropical orchids. Proceedings International electronic conference on plant science 4.
Hernández-Ciro N., Pabón-Mora N. Anatomical and genetic bases underlying convergent evolution of fleshy and dry dehiscent fruits in Cestrum and Brugmansia (Solanaceae). International Journal of Developmental Biology. 65:301-311.
Carmona-Rojas M., Urrea-Trujillo A., Gil-Arredondo D., Atehortúa-Garcés L., Pabón-Mora N. 2020. Expression of storage lipid biosynthesis transcription factors and enzymes in Jatropha curcas L. cell suspension cultures and seeds. Plant Tissue Culture In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology – Plant 57: 164-177.
Pabón-Mora N., Madrigal Y., Alzate J.F., Ambrose B.A., Ferrándiz C., Wanke S., Neinhuis C., Gonzalez F. 2020. Class II TCP gene evolution in perianth-bearing Piperales and their contribution to the bilateral calyx in Aristolochia. New Phytologist. 228: 752-769.
González A.D., Pabón-Mora N., Alzate J.F., González F. 2020. Meristem genes in the meristemless holoparasitic Pilostyles boyacensis (Apodanthaceae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8:209.
Ospina-Zapata D., Madrigal Y., Alzate J.F. Pabón-Mora N. 2020. Evolution and expression of reproductive transition regulatory genes FT/TFL1 with emphasis in selected Neotropical orchids. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11: 469.
Pérez-Mesa P., Ortíz-Ramírez C.I., González F., Ferrándiz C., Pabón-Mora N. 2020. Expression of gynoecium patterning transcription factors in Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae) and their contribution to gynostemium development. Evo Devo. 11:4.
Pabón-Mora N., DiStilio V., Becker A. 2019. Editorial: Genetic Regulatory Mechanisms Underlying Developmental Shifts in Plant Evolution. Frontiers in Plant Science 10: 710.
Gallego A., Rojas L.F., Rodrigues H.A., Mora C., Atehortúa L., Urrea A.I., Guiltinan M., Maximova S.,Gaquerel E., Zuluaga M., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Metabolomic profile of cacao cell suspensions growing in blue light/dark conditions with potential in food biotechnology. Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture 13: 275-294. DOI: 10.1007/s11240-019-01679-3.
Ortíz-Ramírez C., Giraldo M., Ferrándiz C., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Expression and function of the bHLH genes ALCATRAZ and SPATULA in selected Solanaceae species. Plant Journal 99: 686-702.
González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Flower development of Tristerix confirms irregular calyx formation and obhaplostemony as plesiomorphies in new world Loranthaceae (Santalales). International Journal of Plant Sciences 180: 403-410.
González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Revised description, systematic affinities and biogeographic considerations of the Fijian endemic Aristolochia vitiensis (Aristolochiaceae). Phytotaxa 395:296-3
Arias-Agudelo L.M., González F., Isaza JP., Alzate JF., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Plastome reduction and gene content in New World Pilostyles (Apodanthaceae) unveils hogh similarities to African and Australian congeners. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 135: 193-202.
Suárez- Baron H., Alzate J.F., González F., Ambrose B.A., Pabón-Mora, N. 2019. Genetic mechanisms underlying perianth epidermal elaboration of Aristolochia ringens Vahl (Aristolochiaceae). Flora. 253: 56-66.
Peréz-Mesa P, Suárez-Baron H, Ambrose BA, González F, Pabón-Mora. N., 2019. Floral MADS-box protein interactions in the early diverging angiosperm Aristolochia fimbriata Cham. (Aristolochiaceae: Piperales). Evolution and Development. 21: 96-110.
Madrigal Y., Alzate JF., González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2019. Evolution of RADIALIS and DIVARICATA gene lineages in flowering plants with an expanded sampling in non-core eudicots. American Journal of Botany. 106: 334-351.
Maheepala D., Emerling C., Rajewski A., Macon J., Strahl M., Pabón-Mora N., Litt A. Evolution and Diversification of FRUITFULL genes in Solanaceae. Frontiers in Plant Science. 10: 43. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00043
Zumajo-Cardona C., N. Pabón-Mora, B. A. Ambrose. 2018. Duplication and Diversification of REPLUMLESS- A case study in the Papaveraceae. Frontiers in Plant Science. 9: 1833. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01833.
Gallego A.M., Rojas L.F., Parra O., Rodríguez H.A., Mazo Rivas J.C., Urrea A.I., Atehortúa L., Fister A.S., Guiltinan M.J., Maximova S.N., Pabón-Mora N. 2018. Transcriptomic analyses of cacao cell suspensions in light and dark provide target genes for controlled flavonoid production. Scientific Reports. 8: 13575.
Ortíz-Ramírez C.I., S. Plata-Arboleda, N. Pabón-Mora. 2018. Evolution of genes associated with carpel patterning and fruit development in Solanaceae. Annals of Botany 121: 1211-1230.
Madrigal Y., J.F. Alzate. N. Pabón-Mora. 2018. Unraveling the genetic basis of floral symmetry variation in monocots with an emphasis in Asparagales. World Orchid Conference Proceedings.
González F., N. Pabón-Mora. 2018. Sinopsis actualizada de Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae, Piperales) en Panamá. Acta Botánica Mexicana 122: 109-140.
González F., N. Pabón-Mora. 2018. On embryo polarity, polycotyly, and the homology test of conjunction: a reply to Kuijt´s (2017) critique. Brittonia. DOI.10.1007/s12228-017-9503-3
González F., N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. Inflorescence and floral traits of the Colombian species of Tristerix (Loranthaceae) related to hummingbird pollination. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 74 (2): e061.
González F., N. Pabon-Mora. 2017. Floral development and morphoanatomy in the holoparasitic Pilostyles (Apodanthaceae, Cucurbitales) reveals chimeric half-staminate and half-carpellate flowers. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 178 (7): 522-536. DOI: 10.1086/692505
González F., N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. Aristolochia keratuma (Aristolochiaceae), nueva especie de la serie Thyrsicae del Chocó (Colombia) y clave de identificación para sus especies. Caldasia 39: 50-58.
Zumajo- Cardona C., BA. Ambrose, N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. Evolution of the SPATULA/ALCATRAZ gene lineage and expression analyses in the basal eudicot Bocconia frutescens L. (Papaveraceae). Evo Devo 8: 5 DOI 10.1186/s13227-017-0068-8
Gonzalez F., N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. On the supposed polycotyly and lack of endosperm in Psittacanthus (Loranthaceae). Brittonia. DOI 10.1007/s12228-017-9461-9
Suaza-Gaviria V., F. González, N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. Comparative Inflorescence Development in selected Andean Santalales. American Journal of Botany 104 (1): 1-15. DOI:10.3732/ajb.1600253
Madrigal Y., J.F. Alzate. N. Pabón-Mora. 2017. Evolution and expression patterns of TCP-like genes in Asparagales. Frontiers in Plant Science. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00009
Fan W., Zhu A., Kozaczeck M., Shah N., Pabón-Mora N., González F., Mower JP. 2016. Limited mitogenomic degradation in response to a parasitic lifestyle in Orobanchaceae. Scientific Reports. 6: 36285. DOI: 10.1038/srep36285.
Arango-Ocampo C., J. F. Alzate, F. González, N. Pabón-Mora. 2016. The developmental and genetic bases of petal loss in Bocconia frutescens and Macleaya cordata (Chelidonieae: Papaveraceae). Evo-Devo.7:16. DOI: 10.1186/s13227-016-0054-6
Suaza-Gaviria V., N. Pabón-Mora, F. González, 2016. Development and morphology of flowers in Loranthaceae. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 177 (7): 559-578. DOI: 10.1086/687280
Suárez-Baron H., Perez-Mesa P., Ambrose B., González F., Pabón-Mora N. 2016. Deep into de Aristolochia Flower: expression of C,D and E class genes in Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae). Journal of Experimental Zoology part B. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22686.
Marcellini S., González F, Sarrazin A., Pabón-Mora N, Benitez M., Piñeyro-Nelson A., Rezende GL., Maldonado E., Schenider P., Bortoletto Grizante M., Nunes da Fonseca R., Vergara-Silva F., Suaza-Gaviria V., Zumajo-Cardona C., Zattara E.E., Casasa S., Suarez Barón H., Brown F.D. 2016. Evolutionary developmental biology (Evo-Devo) research in Latin America. Journal of Experimental Zoology part B. DOI: 10.1002/jez.b.22687
Zumajo-Cardona C., N. Pabón-Mora. 2016. Evolution of the APETALA2 gene family in seed plants. Molecular Biology and Evolution 33: 1818-1832. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msw059
Pabón Mora N., Suarez-Baron H., González F., Ambrose B.A. 2015. Flower development and perianth identity candidate genes in the basal angiosperm Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae). Frontiers in Plant Science . 6:1095. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01095
Pabón-Mora N., F González. 2015. Nephopteris out of the clouds: Molecular evidence places the enigmatic N. maxonii (Pteridaceae) within the Jamesonia clade. Brittonia. 68: 83-92.
González F, N. Pabón Mora. 2015. Trickery flowers: the chemical mimicry of Aristolochia to accomplish deception to its pollinators. New Phytologist 206: 10-13.
Horn, S., Pabón-Mora, N., TheuS, V.S., Busch, A., Zachgo, S. 2014. Analysis of the ancestral CYC/TB1 class of TCP transcription factors in early diverging angiosperms. The Plant Journal. 81:559-571.
González F., R. Callejas Posada, N. Pabón-Mora. 2014. Rediscovery and conservation status of the “cloud fern” Nephopteris maxonii Lellinger (Pteridaceae), with notes on its anatomical traits. Brittonia. doi:10.1007/s12228-014-9359-8
Pabón-Mora, N., G. K-S Wong, B.A. Ambrose. 2014. Evolution of fruit development genes in flowering plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00300
González, F, N. Pabón-Mora. 2014. Pilostyles boyacensis, a new species of Apodanthaceae (Cucurbitales) from Colombia with the highest elevation record in the Americas. Phytotaxa. 178 (2): 138-145.
González, F, N. Pabón-Mora. 2014. First reports and generic descriptions of the Achlorophyllous holoparasites Apodanthaceae (Cucurbitales) of Colombia. Revista Actualidades Biológicas. 36: 123-136.
González, F, N. Pabón-Mora. 2013. A new species of Castilleja (Orobanchaceae) from the páramos of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera, with comments on its association with Plantago rigida (Plantaginaceae). Caldasia. 35:261-272.
Pabón-Mora, N., O. Hidalgo, S. Gleissberg, A. Litt. 2013. Assessing duplication and loss of APETALA1/FRUITFULL homologs in Ranunculales. Frontiers in Plant Science. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00358
Pabón-Mora N., S. Bharti, L. Holappa, E. Kramer, A. Litt. 2013. The Aquilegia FRUITFULL-like genes play key roles in leaf morphogenesis and inflorescence development. The Plant Journal. 74: 197-212.
Pabón-Mora, N., F. González. 2012. Leaf development and metamorphic heteroblasty in Berberis s.l. (Berberidaceae). Botanical Review. 78: 463-489.
Pabón-Mora, N., B. Ambrose and A. Litt. 2012. Poppy APETALA1/FRUITFULL orthologs control flowering time, branching, perianth identity and fruit development. Plant Physiology 158: 1685-1704. ISSN: print: 0032-0889, online: 1532-2548.
Graça Sajo M, N. Pabón-Mora, J. Jardim, D. W. Stevenson and P. J. Rudall. 2012. Homologies of the flower and inflorescence in the early divergent grass Anomochloa (Poaceae). American Journal of Botany 99: 614-628. ISSN: print: 0002-9122, online: 1537-2197.
Doria. G, N. Pabón-Mora, F González. 2012. Reassessing inflorescence and floral morphology and development in Hedyosmum (Chloranthaceae). International Journal of Plant Sciences. 173: 735-750. ISSN: print: 10585893; online: 15375315.
Pabón-Mora, N. and A. Litt. 2011. Comparative anatomical and developmental analysis of dry and fleshy fruits of Solanaceae. American Journal of Botany. 98 (9): 1415-1436. ISSN: print 0002-9122, online 1537-2197.
González, F., H. E. Esquivel, G. A. Murcia & N. Pabón-Mora. 2010. Aristolochia pentandra (Aristolochiaceae) in Colombia: Biogeographic implications and proposed synapomorphies between the pentandrous species of Aristolochia and its South American sister group. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 34 (133): 467-478. ISSN: 0370-3908.
González, F. & N. Pabón-Mora. 2009. De Henslow a Hooker: Darwin y los inicios del pensamiento evolutivo en Botánica. Acta Biológica Colombiana 14 (S): 311-334. ISSN: print: 0120-548X online:1900-1649.
Pabón-Mora, N. & F. González. 2008. Floral ontogeny of Telipogon spp. (Orchidaceae) and insights on the perianth symmetry in the family. International Journal of Plant Sciences 169: 1159-1173. ISSN: print:10585893; online: 15375315.